Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ha, I didn't realize it'd been so long since I've written here. Mostly, I've just been super busy trying to find a balance between our beautiful kids, and Jim. My wonderful family has been helping me out a lot, which is really great. From babysitting the kids, to sitting with Jim, to making birthday cakes and taking our son to scouts, they've been doing alot for us and I really appreciate it.
With Jim, the main focus for him has been trying to get his pain under control. As you know, he's got a lot of reasons to be hurting. Not to mention the fact that it hurts just to get his strength back, and to go to therapy.
Today Jim is being transferred to the last hospital, a rehab hospital where he will be getting very intense therapy for a month or two (it all depends on the health insurance, you know) and then he will be coming home to us. Once he is home, then therapists will come to our home to continue working with him in his recovery.
I cannot wait for Jim to come home to us. He will be where he belongs, and that is where he will finish getting better. It will be so good for him and for us to all be together again.
Yesterday was an awesome day for Jim. Unfortunately I missed most of it because I have a sinus infection, and was at the doctor. But my mom was able to sit with Jim, and he was in the best mood. Smiling, and talking and just being really happy. Not needing his pain medicine as often. By the time I got there, he was so delighted to see me and the kids - he gave us all hugs and talked about how he wanted pizza for dinner. Anyone who knows Jim at all knows that he loves pizza. Loves it. And he had this twinkle in his eye that I haven't seen in a long time. It was lovely to see.
Mostly, though, Jim has been in the agitated stage of his recovery. What that means is that he is aware that something has happened, but he might not know quite what. He needs to be reminded because of memory issues. His comprehension is much better than his expression at this point, so while he can understand what you're saying, and even say stock phrases that are ingrained in a person like "Hi, how are you?" Or "I'm great". Or "Good to see you." He still has problems getting out what he wants to say, and that is frustrating, as you can imagine. And he has been trying to get out of bed, which is great recovery wise, but he hasn't the strength to walk. So now he is in a tent bed, which basically means when no one is in the room with him, he is zipped up in a little tent that goes over his bed. And he can't get out of it, which keeps him safe, if a little frustrated.
He has now passed the phase of pureed foods, and can eat food that has been chopped up into little pieces. Lately he has been doing really well, and last night I got him to eat all his dinner. He has a hard time holding onto the silverware due to fine motor skills, so I usually help him eat when I'm with him. He is still on tube feeds as well, but I hope that will stop soon. He can drink from a straw now as well. :)
Anyway, that's all for now.


  1. That sounds like good news! YAY that he will be able to come home!! I am so happy for you guys!

  2. I am SOOO glad you posted! I was starting to worry that things had taken a turn for the worst. You guys are still in my thoughts and prayers! I am thrilled to see he is progressing and things are looking better! I hope things keep going well and Jim is able to make a full recovery. My sister's husband was in a severe car accident on that same road 5 years ago and it's only been in the last year or so that his short term memory finally improved. Hang in there!! Healing will come in time. Hugs to you both!

  3. Please tell Jimmy to keep up the hard work! We are so happy to read that progress continues and pray that you and the entire family will continue to be strong.
    The Rutherfords (Otterstrom)

  4. Those are wonderful news!! it will make a big difference when he is back home. You are still in our prayers.
    Vicky CastaƱedas (Sharon's stake choir member)
