Friday, January 1, 2010

Hip Surgery

So next week Jim will be having hip surgery. It's something that at first they thought they wouldn't have to do, but after consulting with some other doctors, they feel it would best be done now. If they don't, then 5-10 years down the road there could be bigger problems.
It's a fairly big surgery, from my understanding. I'm sure they'll tell me more the closer we get to it.
2 days ago Jim had to get a drain placed in his gallbladder, which wasn't working properly, and was getting swollen. They did take the drain out of his abdomen, though, and now all the stitches have been removed from the rest of his leg.
There are neurologists looking at Jim now, checking on his brain. There is evidence of brain damage, but they just can't evaluate him while he is on all the sedation, so that will have to wait until he has been stabilized.
Jim is reacting to a few more things. Mainly, negative stimuli, he withdraws his limbs from pain, which is a good thing. He moves his head ever so slightly every once in a while, and swallows occasionally. He moves his lips around a little. He'll open his eyes, mostly to negative stimuli, like when his lungs are being suctioned. He really hates that. But every once in awhile, he'll open them for a few minutes just on his very own. His eyes don't track anything, and he doesn't focus on anything, but it's still nice to see them open. The other day, when I arrived and begain talking to him, he opened his eyes to the sound of my voice.
Jim's body is beginning to show signs of healing. The bruising, which was so bad that large parts of his skin on his arms and shoulders looked black from all the blood pooling there, is almost gone. There are only a few places with bruising you can still see. There are a few scars that look as if they happened months ago. The two on his chin you can barely notice. And he has two small surgery scars on his shoulder that simply look like scratches. The surgery scars on his arms and legs all look good too. The scabs are mostly gone, and soft new skin is forming. The one on his knee, where the bone broke through, that's going to take a lot more time to fully heal, but even it is looking better. There are bedsores as well, but they are beginning to heal also.
They have stopped the TPN (the IV nutrition), and are now feeding him through a feeding tube in his stomach full time. They had tried to do that a couple times the past few weeks, but he wasn't tolerating it before. He is also much less jaundiced. And his hands and feet now look all wrinkled because the swelling is finally going down in them. His left ankle is still quite swollen, but it's to be expected since it was broken and the bone poked through his skin there too.
I really appreciate all the comments from everyone. Thank you everyone for your prayers for us. This is going to be a long road, but I have faith and confidence that Jim will pull through this.


  1. Jimmy is in our prayers every day. We admire his courage, and that of your entire family. We thank you for making the time to post these updates, we know it is not easy.
    Sarah Rutherford (Otterstrom)

  2. So amazing and great to hear of his healing Marilee! And the part where you said that he opened his eyes when he heard your voice was touching! I think it's really neat you are keeping a blog. Isn't it so great to be able to journal this way?
